
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Cinema Shock Roundtable #11: Is MOON (2009) a STAR TREK movie?
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
In this bonus episode, the guys discuss things they've been watching lately and try to figure out why Todd thinks MOON is a STAR TREK-adjacent movie (a subject to be further explored on a future episode of Computer, Resume Podcast)

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Sam Raimi: The Entertainer | THE EVIL DEAD (1981)
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
It's time for a new series here on Cinema Shock! This week, we kick off a multi-part series of episodes celebrating and exploring the work of Sam Raimi.
Raimi, of course, has spent the better part of the last two decades as the director of tentpole summer blockbusters, but he began his career as the director of down and dirty horror films that blended the comedy of the Three Stooges with the gore of Lucio Fulci.
In this episode, we'll explore Raimi's early career, from his childhood in Michigan, all the way through the tumultuous filming and release of his debut feature, THE EVIL DEAD!
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Cinema Shock Roundtable #10: Announcing our next series!
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
In this Roundtable discussion, we talk about everything from CHILD'S PLAY to WRATH OF KHAN to DELIVERANCE! We'll also be letting you know what to expect from our next longford series, which will begin NEXT WEEK!
For episode archives, merchandise, and more, visit http://www.cinemashock.net

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
PUMPKINHEAD (1988) | Cinema Shock Roulette #3
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
It's time for another installment of Cinema Shock Roulette!
For this recurring feature, we randomly select a film from our Cinema Shock Roulette Letterboxd list.
For this Roulette episode, we're discussing Stan Winston's 1988 directorial debut PUMPKINHEAD, just in time for spooky season!
We've discussed Winston a lot on the show so far (in both our Dan O'Bannon series, and most extensively during our James Cameron series), but in this episode, we really get to dig into his history, what brought him to Hollywood, and how he got involved in directing PUMPKINHEAD.
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.
For episode archives, merch and more, visit cinemashock.net

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Cinema Shock Roundtable #9: Announcing our next Cinema Shock Roulette entry
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
In this Roundtable discussion, the guys discuss what they've been watching lately (aside from the movies they watch for the show) and then spin the wheel to find out what the next Cinema Shock Roulette episode is going to cover! Want to know what's next? You'll have to listen!
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
AVATAR (2009) | James Cameron, Part IX
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
In this, our final episode of our James Cameron series, we're taking a look at his groundbreaking, record-busting 3D science fiction epic, AVATAR!
In the years between TITANIC and AVATAR, Cameron helped to develop a new form of 3D technology, alongside new performance capture techniques that allowed him to create images that no filmmaker had been able to achieve before.
And then, when AVATAR was released in 2009, it quickly became the highest grossing movie of all time, and remains so to this day. In this episode, we'll track the film's progression from its earliest inception (this story begins in the 1970s!) all the way through the film's release, and how its reputation has evolved in the years since.
Next Episode: Cinema Shock Roulette #3
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Bonus: Todd’s Uncut Tribute to TITANIC’s David Warner
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In our TITANIC episode(s), Mr. Todd A. Davis compiled a tribute to the great character actor David Warner, who recently passed. Unfortunately, due to the length of our TITANIC episodes, we felt that it would be best to trim that segment, but wanted to still get this heartfelt tribute out into the world.
Warner's career was a long one, with tenures in franchises like STAR TREK and appearances in blockbusters like James Cameron's TITANIC, as well as countless others. In this special bonus episode, Todd gives a brief biography of Mr. Warner and a breakdown of his many, many achievements.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Cinema Shock Roundtable #8: Looking ahead to AVATAR
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
In this episode, we'll take a look forward to the finale of our James Cameron series where we'll be discussing AVATAR!
We also have a chat about all of the other things we've been watching lately, including SANDMAN, FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH, PREY, DAY SHIFT, THEY/THEM, ORPHAN: FIRST KILL, and REAR WINDOW!
Are you caught up on our James Cameron series? If not, find all of the episodes at https://www.cinemashock.net/jamescameron

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
A 12 Year Intermission | James Cameron, Part VIII
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
When we began this series, we'd planned on simply skimming over the fact that James Cameron had a 12-year gap in his filmography — at least, in narrative films — between TITANIC and AVATAR.
But in researching what he was up to during that time, we realized that the work he was doing, both in terms of filmmaking, and in developing new technologies, was going to be hugely impactful to the work he'd do on AVATAR and beyond.
So on this episode, we're going to do something a little different. Instead of focusing on a single film, we're going to discuss all of the things that James Cameron got up to during his 12-year hiatus from feature filmmaking, from documentaries to changes in both his personal and professional lives to the creation of the type of 3D cameras that would prove integral to his work going forward.
Next Episode: AVATAR.
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
TITANIC (1997) Ep. 2 | James Cameron, Part VII
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
TITANIC was the biggest gamble of James Cameron's career. A passion project if there ever was one, the film was anything but a sure bet. It became the most expensive film ever made and everyone in Hollywood expected it to fail. Except, of course, for James Cameron.
But TITANIC was a passion project, a $200 million labor of love that took Cameron to the depths of the ocean, where he'd film the real Titanic, bringing back some of the clearest images of the wreckage ever seen up to that point. The journey would take him and his crew to Baja, Mexico, where he'd build a full sized replica of the ship.
The filming of TITANIC is legendary. A grueling shoot that took a physical and psychological toll on everyone involved in its creation. In this episode, we'll discuss the decade long journey that TITANIC took to the big screen.
Because there's so much story to tell about TITANIC, we've decided to split it across two episodes. TITANIC Episode 1 was released last week.
Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.
For episode archives and more, visit www.cinemashock.net.